Backups, Blog, Computers, Servers, Uncategorized, Windows
Flash drives can last a long time and are they are convenient, providing you care for them correctly, and use them correctly. Many people have not been informed as to how immediately a data loss can occur if a flash drive is not used properly, also, their design and...
Blog, Computers, Uncategorized, Windows
As a business owner, or individual who uses their PC for work/leisure, Windows 10 is the latest version which has been produced by Microsoft. With this said, there are always a few kinks and bugs which have to be worked out with any new platform. And, Windows 10 is no...
Blog, Servers, Uncategorized
Choosing a network server for a business environment is a very critical decision. A business server runs a specialized multi-user operating system. It is designed to run several multi-user applications including email, print servers, messaging, databases and customer...
Backups, Blog, Uncategorized
In today’s technology driven world, data is everything. The data stored in your phone, computer, and internet accounts is a vital part of your business success. Losing this information would be disastrous. Without your files, databases, contacts and e-mails,...