Virus Free Guarantee - If you get infected, cleanup is free!

“We’re Setting A New Standard in PC Protection”

Latest Anti-Virus Safety

Automatic Hourly
Performance Tune-ups

Website Safe Click

When you need help with your computer FREE worldwide remote connection service is included!

Get VirusFree Protection Today!

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What’s Included

Website Protection

Stops access from malicious websites before its too late. Preventing an attack is priority #1.

Remote Repair

Whether you’re home or out of town. If your computer needs attention, we can connect and repair from our location.

Managed Anti-Virus

Protecting your files is important. We always make sure your anti-virus is running and up-to-date.

In-Store Repair

If your computer needs a closer look, just bring it in for free in-store labor.

Daily Performance Checks

Making sure everything is running at top performance.

Data Loss Prevention

Daily checks to verify the hardware of your computer is operating properly.

*if you get infected, cleanup is FREE!