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Bisconti Computers

Whats in this issue. . .

  • $79 Labor on Windows Laptop Screen Replacement
  • Internet Security Class at Rock Valley
  • CryptoLocker Ransom Maleware/Virus
  • Find Us On Facebook!!!

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$79 Labor on Windows Laptop Screen Replacement


For our newsletter recipients ONLY…

asus laptop

If your PC laptop has a cracked or damaged screen, stop in and mention that you, our valued newsletter recipient, received this exclusive offer.

This is a savings of $20!!!

We look forward to seeing you and helping get your computer in tip-top shape.

Internet Security Class at Rock Valley


computer backup

Earlier this fall Bob and Mike taught a class on Internet Security at a local college, Rock Valley College. The class filled up very quickly, and there were over 100 on a waiting list to get in the class!

In this course, students were taught different lines of defense on their computers including the importance of protecting from identity theft, using an anti-virus, and filters and firewalls as well. Students were also advised on what they could do in the unfortunate event that their computers became infected or their identity was stolen.


CryptoLocker Ransom Maleware/Virus


computer backup

A new virus called CryptoLocker, recently released by computer hackers, puts a price on your computer’s information. Be sure your Antivirus is up to date and can protect you from the CryptoLocker Ransom Maleware/Virus. As usual, DO NOT OPEN ATTACHMENTS from unsolicited e-mail.

Bisconti Computers was asked to be interviewed and to discuss the CryptoLocker Ransom Maleware/Virus on a local news channel. You can view the interview now on our Facebook page. Remember to call Bisconti Computers if you have any problems or questions!


Find Us On Facebook!!!


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Bisconti Computers Inc. is now on Facebook! Like our page and leave us a comment. We love hearing from our past and present customers!
And remember, Bisconti Computers is your computer problem solving friend!

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